
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

Imagine the worlds that are there....

Astronomers discover huge galactic wall hidden behind Milky Way

Scientists have discovered a celestial structure made of galaxies more than 1.4 billion light-years long and 600 million light-years deep in the skies over the South Pole.”The South Pole Wall” as it has been dubbed, is situated along the southern border of the cosmos (from the perspective of Earth) and consists of thousands of galaxies, hydrogen gas, dust and dark matter. It's one of the largest known structures in the universe.

The wall is among a number of structures that make up the cosmic web, including the Great Wall, the Bootes Void, the comparably sized Sloan Great Wall and the Hercules Corona-Borealis Great Wall, the largest known structure at 10 billion light-years wide. That’s about a tenth of the diameter of the observable universe

The South Pole Wall, however, is half the distance from the Earth to the Hercules Corona-Borealis Great Wall – 500 million light-years – and was hidden by the brightness of the Milky Way in an area called the Zone of Avoidance. It was discovered when scientists saw galaxies in different directions around it were affected by its gravitational pull.