
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

Life lesson: Defeat.

 Life is going to knock you on your rear end. It will happen. It has nothing to do with kind of person you are. It happens to everybody. It will happen and it happen without cause or purpose or reason. What you deserve has  nothing to do with it. Life is unfair. The powers that be in the world aren’t picking on you. Life is often unfair for you and everyone else. But there are ways of dealing with setbacks. Failure is very democratic in its reach. Bad things and setbacks happen even to the finest people. It’s not God, the universe, or the human race conspiring to ruin your best laid plans. Everybody gets defeated once in a while. The hard reality is that setbacks are a part of life, your life, my life. Everybody will take a sound life-thrashing every now and then.  This is the reality of life, learning to accept it is half the battle.

It’s all about balance. Success is not a permanent state, its transient. Things change. Don’t worry about it and don’t let it get you down. Just because you ran into a string of defeats doesn’t mean you have to be defeated. This too shall pass, I assure you it will. Keep your hopes up and keep dreaming. That sounds easier than it really is because disappointment has a way of lowering hope.

Look, you can’t win anything without meeting defeat and disaster along the way so adjust your expectations to fit the defeats. In fact, do your best to enjoy the inevitable. When life knocks you to the canvass, stay there and take the 8 count.  Relax, take in the view. When you’re ready, not when the world tells you you’re ready but when you’re ready, get up off the floor and get back into the fight. Repeat as needed.

Learn what you can from your downfall but remember that sometimes defeat has no lesson. It just happens. There is nothing to learn from it.  And when you do get up, get up with as much grace and style as you can because people tend to believe what they see.
Here’s the bottom line; you’re going be okay, you’ll see.

Life lesson: Here is the glory and the dilemma of life.

Here is the glory and the dilemma of life; we are, each of us, made up of all the things that we have seen and heard. Everything that has ever had even the most remote influence on you becomes a part of you. We carry it around  in our minds and bring it with us on the incredible voyage that become sour lives. So be careful what you take in. Avoid the negative and all the many attractive shapes it can take. Examine your life every once in a while to make sure that you have not allowed yourself to be reduced by the often very subtle powers of negativity. Know that there are events that will happen  to you in this lifetime that you have absolutely no power to control and remember   know that those events do have the power to diminish your integrity, your compassion and your kindness.  Seek out the positive. Live with the purpose always becoming a person of warmth, good humor, strong passions and decency. 

Life lesson: In this life you’re going to get blindsided, hit from behind, stabbed in the back, tripped up, kicked when you’re down, lied to and lied about

In this life you’re going to get blindsided, hit from behind, stabbed in the back, tripped up, kicked when you’re down,  lied to and lied about with the intent of  harming you as much as possible. It’s going to happen and there isn’t anything you can do to avoid it or make it not happen. People have the power to do these things to each other and the intended effect of these things  is to ruin the way you feel about yourself and others.

 Don’t let that happen.  While people have the power to create grief and misery in your life, and often they do it simply because they can, they do not have the power to control the effect it has on you.

 Once again, they do not have the power to control is the effect it has on you.

 Only you have that kind of power.  If their slings and arrows dig into you it’s because you are allowing it to dig into you. Don’t give them the satisfaction of letting that happen by giving away that kind of power to someone whose sole intention is to hurt you.   

Life lesson: Ever wonder what God’s plan is for world justice?

Ever wonder what God’s plan is for world justice? Or what his plan is for world peace? Well it’s you. You’re God’s plan for peace and justice in the world and he expects you to bring those into the world not by storming the barricades of hate and intolerance but by simply doing the right thing in your life all the time. It’s a simple plan but it works.

Life lesson: You want freedom?

You want freedom?  Then be responsible to yourself. Live by a set of standards, a code of conduct and be ready and able to account for your life, not to someone else,  but account for your life to yourself based on the guide lines your have assigned yourself. Do that and you’ll live free.

Life lesson: Your soul has its own value system.

Your soul has its own value system. And while your soul values bravery and courage, kindness and creativity and hundreds of other noble traits it also values  and needs alone time. It needs to reflect.  It needs to daydream. Sometimes it just needs to vegetate and not do a dang thing.  It needs a good belly laugh every now and then. It needs conversation and it needs to interact with the souls of others.  It needs to laugh with them, to smile at them and be smiled at and the soul needs to look at beauty so once in a while stop and watch the sunset or spend an hour looking at the clouds. You and your soul need it.   

Life lesson: As hard as it sometimes is, believe in God.

The question that I hope you ask yourself at some point is why do I need a relationship with God? And let me clear, I’m talking about God here, not religion. There’s a big difference between the two.

The answer is that because with God in your life anything at all is possible. Anything.  And the reason for that is, God loves you. Without condition, he loves you warts and all. 

Often you'll have to look for him. And if you’re looking for God in your life, and you should look for God in your life, then be the person God made you. Warts and all. It's that simple. 

Do that and I guarantee you’ll see him in everything you do and then you’ll realize he was always there.  You were never alone and you will never be alone with God in your life. Never. He’s always there. Always.  He won’t fail you, he’ll always answer you, but you have to always remember that God’s not on your time clock, as frustrating as that it and that it's not easy being a believer.   

Life lesson: Never compare yourself against anyone

Never compare yourself against anyone, ever, under any circumstances. Because when you do that you’re giving the other person an enormous benefit of doubt. Its apple and oranges. You are measuring all the things inside you, all the hundreds of complicated factors that make you who you are, against the other persons outside appearance.  The other guy will always come out looking better than you because you can’t see his doubts or his failures or his demons.  Here’s my best advice, just accept yourself for who and what you are, which probably isn’t as bad as you think it is, and be happy with that....and don't forget to dance!  

The LLR: Sherlock Holmes killed

The LLR: Sherlock Holmes killed:  After Conan Doyle killed off the popular Sherlock Holmes in the mid 1890’s, over 20,000 readers of The Strand (the magazine the stories we...

The LLR: London calling

The LLR: London calling:  Jack London’s Call of the Wild reportedly earned the author a single, flat-fee payment of only $2,000. THE CALL OF THE WILD by...


Cynicism Linked to Dementia, Study Finds

By Victoria Bekiempis

Over the years, the definition of cynicism has shifted dramatically—from an ascetic school of philosophy in ancient Greece (spelled with a capital “C”) to, today, a distrust of others for being selfishly motivated. What hasn’t changed so much about cynicism is its association with mental decline.
For example, the best-known Cynic of the Classical Greece era, one Diogenes of Sinope, slept in an empty wine barrel, masturbated in public and urinated on critics. (Diogenes syndrome now refers to “an older adult living in squalor,” according to the British Medical Journal.) And then there’s philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who at 44 had a nervous breakdown that eventually led to his dementia and death. While deeply influenced by the Cynics, much of Nietzsche’s writing is arguably closer to today’s concept of cynicism—distrust in social systems and, by extension, the people who partake in them.
Researchers now think there might be a direct link between this attitude and mental decline, beyond these historical examples: People with high levels of “cynical distrust,” which they define as “the belief that others are mainly motivated by selfish concerns,” are more likely to develop dementia, according to a study published Wednesday in the online issue of Neurology.
Over the course of eight years, researchers examined 1,449 people, whose average age was 71, to determine whether they had dementia. They also gave study participants a questionnaire “to measure their level of cynicism,” according to the study’s authors. (Per the questionnaire, participants were asked to say how much they agreed with statements such as “I think most people would lie to get ahead.”)
They found that “people with high levels of cynical distrust were three times more likely to develop dementia than people with low levels of cynicism,” even when adjusted for other dementia risk factors, such as smoking, according to a statement on the study.
“This is not explained by the lifestyle choices or other factors like age or sex,” study author Anna-Maija Tolppanen, Ph.D., of the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio, tells Newsweek. “Personality might actually affect brain health.”
The study does not explain whether the cynicism causes the dementia or whether bodily and mental decline in the elderly enables a bleak opinion of others. The study detected a correlation, the cynicism-dementia link, not causation.
However, Tolppanen says, social interaction is key to cognitive health—so any worldview that might deter socialization could plausibly have an impact.
“We know that people who engage in social activities are more likely to preserve their cognitive function as they age,” she says.
Tolppanen’s advice for cynics?
“Even if you are reserved toward others, it is really important to be socially active,” she says. “That has been shown to be good for your brain.”
Cynicism has also been linked to other health problems, such as heart disease. According to this study, however, extreme cynics do not die any earlier than those who are more trusting.

Life lesson. Character

 noun \ˈker-ik-tər, ˈka-rik-\  
: the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves : someones personality
: a set of qualities that are shared by many people in a group, country, etc.
: a set of qualities that make a place or thing different from other places or things

Have character, develop character and never stopping adding to your character because it's priceless. A great character will make you attractive, It will certainly make you more attractive to those vaporise people who are all looks and no substance. Character will bring you to interesting people and places. It will make life interesting.

Be honest •
Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal •
Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do •
Have the courage to do the right thing •
Build a good reputation •
Be loyal — stand by your family, friends, and country
Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule •
Be tolerant and accepting of differences •
Use good manners, not bad language •
Be considerate of the feelings of others •
Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone •
Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements Responsibility
Do what you are supposed to do •
Plan ahead •
Persevere: keep on trying •
Always do your best •
Use self-control •
Be self-disciplined •
Think before you act — consider the consequences •
Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes •
Set a good example for others Fairness Play by the rules •
Take turns and share •
Be open-minded; listen to others •
Don’t take advantage of others •
Don’t blame others carelessly •
Treat all people fairly Caring Be kind •
Be compassionate and show you care •
Express gratitude •
Forgive others •
Help people in need
Stay informed; vote •
Be a good neighbor •
Obey laws and rules •
Respect authority •
Protect the environment •

Life lesson: the wrong person

At some point in this life, you will fall in love with the wrong person, befriend the wrong person, care for the wrong person. 

You'll eventually figure out that they are the wrong person when you realize they don't value you nor do they value your concern for them. 

It's okay that all of this happens, it's not nice and it's hurtful, but it's okay. You're not the first person this will happened to and you won't be the last. The fault is on them, not you. 

When you come to see these people for who and what they are, leave them in your past. Because if you don't they'll just keep taking and taking. It's a harsh lesson and I wish it weren't true, but it is. 

Life lesson: Perfection

Nothing, ever, in the history of the world, has arrived perfect. In themselves, as they are, there is no perfect moment. Nor is there a perfect marriage, or person or place or thing. Nothing is perfect until you decide it is. You have that power. And what you decide is perfect, another will find it flawed.  Always remember that. If it's perfect for you, leave at that, be satisfied with that and cherish it for what it is. 

Sometimes people hold a core

"Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, its called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit to that core belief" Frantz Fanon.        

Here's added advice from me;  When you meet people like this RUN FROM THEM. Don't walk. RUN FROM THEM. They are bad for your soul and will keep from becoming all the good and wonderful things you can be.

You're gonna be just fine,.........

Your going to be okay and so am I. Watch and see. God doesn't miss a trick, he sees ever teardrop, he sees every sparrow that falls from a tree. There has never been one single moment, not one second, when God didn't care about you and me and there has never been a prayer or a cry for help from us that he didn't hear. Just remember God isn't on our time clock....and have faith. Always always always have faith.     

Why didn't I think of this and why don't I own one?

Make the most of yourself,

“Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dogma by Bart: Let's eat!

Dogma by Bart: Let's eat!

It is not the critic who counts

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”  Theodore Roosevelt

Despite everything

 “Despite everything, I believe people are good at heart.” Ann Frank, a child who was gassed to death by the Nazis