
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

Good words to have


Clandestine comes to English by way of Middle French, from the Latin word clandestinus, which is itself from the Latin adverb clam, meaning "secretly." Note that this clam is not the ancestor of the English word clam, despite how tightly sealed and thus secretive the bivalves may seem.

Sho "People empty me. I have to get away to refill." – Charles Bukowski


Understand me. I’m not like an ordinary world. I have my madness, I live in another dimension and I do not have time for things that have no soul. #charles bukowski


Man Ray


Book lovers


I THINK its an actual photo


Photo Joe Clark


Ando Fuchs, Venecia


Toni Schneiders.


William M. Rittase - La Salle Street Station, Chicago


Youngsoo Han - Ruined Window, Seoul


On the Wing by Christina Rossetti



Once in a dream (for once I dreamed of you)

    We stood together in an open field;

    Above our heads two swift-winged pigeons wheeled,

Sporting at east and courting full in view:—

When loftier still a broadening darkness flew,

    Down-swooping, and a ravenous hawk revealed;

    Too weak to fight, too fond to fly, they yield;

So farewell life and love and pleasures new.

Then as their plumes fell fluttering to the ground,

    Their snow-white plumage flecked with crimson drops,

        I wept, and thought I turned towards you to weep:

    But you were gone; while rustling hedgerow tops

Bent in a wind which bore to me a sound

        Of far-off piteous bleat of lambs and sheep.



Bernstein House, 1978, Washington - Architecte Arthur Cotton Moore