
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

Even the playing field

I was watching a White house press conference, which was, essentially, a pile-on by the media bullying the Press Secretary. The so-called reporters were highly-aggressive, working in unison, their tone was contemptible.
But that isn’t what the networks show. What the networks broadcast is a sound bite of those gang up’s, of those same obnoxious reporters,  dressed in expensive suits, calmly, and often smiling, telling their version of what happened.
So here’s answer and conservatives need to share this:
When a reporter asks a question, put the reporters name on the screen along with the name outlet their working for. 
The American public doesn’t know they players. When the Press Secretary calls on them, she shouldn’t say “Yes, Bob go ahead.” She should say “Yes Bob Smith from CBS News, go ahead”   
Do those two things and watch how quickly the so-called reporters get respectful and less biased. Most will stop asking question while a camera is nearby.  They’ll change because they know most Americans are fair and they’ll be revealed for what they are, partisan hacks.
We also need to ask this, why the hell are reporters allowed to roam the White House grounds while the average American isn’t allowed past the front gate? And yet we wonder why the Media thinks they’re God’s gift to man kind. So move those pile-on sessions across the street  to the New Executive Office building and send the message that we are a nation of equals.