
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

Memento Mori


“Memento Mori” is Latin expression meaning “Remember that you will die”

This phrase, originated in ancient Rome and was used by soldiers, philosophers, and the religious. The expression meant different thing to each group, for some it meant a call to conscience, a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of embracing the present.  For others it meant reflection, exploring the mysteries of death and the purpose of life and spiritual preparation.

Another expression is Amor Fati or love of fate. It means to love everything that happens to you as a way of learning and as a way of toughening yourself. There is pain in Life …but….that’s life. That's part of what life is about is about. Part of Amor Fati means that if complain about what you must deal with in life, pain as an example, and you wish things were different, if you wish for a life without pain, it means that you don't love life because you don’t accept it. Accept everything that happens and find a way to love it and see the purpose behind it.