
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

20 Essential Positive Traits to Make Your Characters Empathetic to Readers

 20 Essential Positive Traits to Make Your Characters Empathetic to Readers

  1. Empathy: The character demonstrates an understanding of others' feelings and shows compassion.
  2. Courage: The character faces fears or challenges bravely, inspiring admiration.
  3. Determination: The character persists in achieving their goals despite obstacles, earning respect.
  4. Kindness: The character is compassionate and considerate towards others, evoking warmth.
  5. Humor: The character has a sense of humor, making them endearing and relatable.
  6. Honesty: The character is truthful, creating trust and a sense of reliability.
  7. Vulnerability: The character shows vulnerability, making them more human and relatable.
  8. Curiosity: The character is curious and open-minded, inviting readers to explore with them.
  9. Resilience: The character bounces back from setbacks, inspiring hope and admiration.
  10. Generosity: The character is generous, creating a sense of goodwill.
  11. Loyalty: The character is loyal to their values or to others, inspiring trust and admiration.
  12. Optimism: The character maintains a positive outlook, even in difficult situations, inspiring hope.
  13. Creativity: The character is imaginative and innovative, sparking curiosity and admiration.
  14. Wisdom: The character demonstrates wisdom beyond their years, earning respect and admiration.
  15. Integrity: The character acts according to a strong moral code, earning respect and trust.
  16. Empowerment: The character empowers others, creating a sense of inspiration and admiration.
  17. Altruism: The character acts selflessly for the greater good, inspiring admiration and empathy.
  18. Resourcefulness: The character is resourceful in solving problems, earning respect and admiration.
  19. Independence: The character is independent, inspiring admiration and respect.
  20. Passion: The character is passionate about their goals, inspiring admiration and motivation.