
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

Under the Third Avenue El, New York, Photo by Rebecca Lepkoff, 1947

Rebecca Lepkoff (born Rebecca Brody; August 4, 1916 – August 17, 2014) was n photographer. She is best known for her images depicting daily life in the Lower East Side neighborhood of New York City in the 1940s. Fascinated by the area where she lived, she first photographed Essex and Hester Street which, she recalls, "were full of pushcarts." They no longer exist today but then "everyone was outside: the mothers with their baby carriages, and the men just hanging out." Her photographs captured people in the streets, especially children, as well as the buildings and the signs on store fronts Lepkoff died Sunday, August 17, 2014, at her home in Townshend, Vermont. Two weeks prior to her death, she had turned 98.