
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

Irish literature starter list

Dubliners, a portrait of the artist as a young man, and Ulysses by James Joyce

The plough and the stars, Shadow of a Gunman, and Juno and the Paycock by Séan O'Casey (three Dublin plays)

The picture of Dorian Gray, Fairy Tales, and The Importance of being Ernest by Oscar Wilde

The Ulster Cycle and the Fenian Cycle, Lady Gregory's myths and legends

Angela’s ashes and ‘Tis by Frank McCourt

A terrible beauty is born and Fairy Tales by  W.B.Yeats

The confession of St. Patrick

Surprised by joy: The shape of my early life by  C.S. Lewis

Tarry Flynn by Patrick Kavanagh

Grace, Red Sky at morning, and The Black Snow by Paul Lynch

Bog child by Siobhan Dowd

The field by John B. Keane

Opened ground by Seamus Heaney

The playboy of the western world and Riders to the Sea by J.M. Synge