
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

Richard Anuskiewicz, 1961

"My work is of an experimental nature and has centered on an investigation into the effects of complementary colors of full intensity when juxtaposed and the optical changes that occur as a result, and a study of the dynamic effect of the whole under changing conditions of light, and the effect of light on color."

Richard Joseph Anuszkiewicz (May 23, 1930 May 19, 2020) was an American painter, printmaker, and sculptor. The son of Polish immigrants, Anuszkiewicz trained at the Cleveland Institute of Art in Cleveland, then with Josef Albersat the Yale University School of Art in New Haven, Connecticut (1953–1955) He was one of the founders and foremost exponents of Op Art, a movement during the late 1960s and early 1970s.
, Anuszkiewicz was concerned with the optical changes that occur when different high-intensity colors are applied to the same geometric configurations. Most of his work comprises visual investigations of formal structural and color effects, many of them nested square forms similar to the work of his mentor Josef Albers.