
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

Since I largely lack a formal education before college, my steadfast Mantra has always been and always will be "If you don't know, if you don't understand, ask"


Since I largely lack a formal education before college, my steadfast Mantra has always been, and always will be, "If you don't know, if you don't understand, ask"

The things I’ve learned as a result are often amazing and fulfilling.

Most people can’t wait to explain or clarify something when asked. The people that have a problem with your asking are the people that probably don’t know what they’re talking about and see your curiosity as an afront.

The people who smirk at your questions usually mean they have coasted through their lives with any curiosity, and you should not only run from them, but you should also avoid them forever.  

Asking when I don’t know has opened worlds to me in art, literature and history.