The story is that a man named Andrew
Carlssin was arrested in March 2003 by federal agents for SEC violations of
making 126 high-risk stock trades and being successful on every trade. (Not actually an arrestable offense)
Carlssin allegedly told the
agents that he started with an initial investment of $800 and made over
$350,000,000 with it and then submitted a four-hour confession wherein he
claimed to be a time traveler from 200 years in the future. He offered to tell
investigators all sorts of things including how to find a cure for aids in
return for being allowed to return to his time craft. But a mysterious man
posted his bail and Carlssin was never seen again.
It's an interesting story but
absolutely not true. There are no federal records that show that any of the
above ever happened. Its more likely that the story grew out of a fictional
piece in Weekly World News, a satirical newspaper, and was later repeated by the notoriously inaccurate Yahoo! News. From there it appeared in other newspapers and magazines as fact.