
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

Good words to have


1: of, relating to, or providing for many things at once 2:       containing or including many items
The noun omnibus originated in the 1820s as a French word for long, horse-drawn vehicles that transported people along the main thoroughfares of Paris. Shortly thereafter, omnibuses—and the noun omnibus—arrived in New York. But in Latin, omnibus simply means "for all." Our adjective omnibus, which arrived in the mid-1800s, seems to hark back to that Latin omnibus, though it may also have been at least partially influenced by the English noun. An "omnibus bill" containing numerous provisions, for example, could be likened to a bus loaded with people.

Incapable of being persuaded, moved, or stopped.

From Latin in- (not) + exorare (to prevail upon), from ex- (out) + orare (to pray, beg).