We drove deep down
in to southwestern Virginia today to attend a cook out. That ridge in the
background is part of the Shenandoah National Park in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
It runs 105 miles, north to south. We’ve camped up there several times. It
isn’t rough; the park has paved roads and four full service, white table cloth
restaurants, although once when we were up there a hoodlum bear in search of
food tried to break into our car. We took these shots from the car as we ...passed through
the town of Shenandoah, just like the (states) song which had been "Carry
Me Back to Old Virginny"but that was dropped because it was considered
racist. Nobody knows where the name Shenandoah comes from or what it means,
some say it came from the Iroquo word “Schin-han-dowi” (River through the
Spruces) or perhaps from an Iroquoian chief named Sherando. The song is
supposed to be about him and his daughter Sally, who is courted for seven years
by a white river trader.