
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

Happiness in this life that you have been given is not a mere stroke of luck

Happiness in this life that you have been given is not a mere stroke of luck that befalls some people and not others.  No, not at all. Happiness is a direct result of you own efforts to be happy. So to be happy you must elect to be happy but understand that it takes a mighty effort to give yourself a happy life. It’s an ongoing effort, something you work at day in and day out. You have to actively look for happiness in all places and in all things and you must see it in every blessing no matter how small it is and you must celebrate it, celebrate your happiness and guard it from those who would take it from you….and they are many. Make it your life's goal to be happy forever and to be happy under any set of circumstances that you enter good and bad.

 ...............and remember to laugh