Young people, here’s how the
game works; you always get another chance to get it right. That’s what tomorrow
is. It’s a second chance to start over, to get it right.
And it’s okay not to get it
right. The first time or the second
time. It’s okay not to get it right. What counts is that you recognize that you
didn’t get it right.
Give yourself a break, you’re
young. You learn as you go and more often than not you’re going to learn by
your goof up’s and you have a lot more life in front of you and a lot of goof
up’s to come along.
And that’s okay. Just keep
going. There is no rule that says you
have to have it all figured out to move ahead.
Try this; every day do
something that will create a better tomorrow, to create chance to get it right.
That’s the best you can do. That’s how the game works.