
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

Life lesson: Here is the glory and the dilemma of life.

Here is the glory and the dilemma of life; we are, each of us, made up of all the things that we have seen and heard. Everything that has ever had even the most remote influence on you becomes a part of you. We carry it around  in our minds and bring it with us on the incredible voyage that become sour lives. So be careful what you take in. Avoid the negative and all the many attractive shapes it can take. Examine your life every once in a while to make sure that you have not allowed yourself to be reduced by the often very subtle powers of negativity. Know that there are events that will happen  to you in this lifetime that you have absolutely no power to control and remember   know that those events do have the power to diminish your integrity, your compassion and your kindness.  Seek out the positive. Live with the purpose always becoming a person of warmth, good humor, strong passions and decency.