
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

Life lesson: As hard as it sometimes is, believe in God.

The question that I hope you ask yourself at some point is why do I need a relationship with God? And let me clear, I’m talking about God here, not religion. There’s a big difference between the two.

The answer is that because with God in your life anything at all is possible. Anything.  And the reason for that is, God loves you. Without condition, he loves you warts and all. 

Often you'll have to look for him. And if you’re looking for God in your life, and you should look for God in your life, then be the person God made you. Warts and all. It's that simple. 

Do that and I guarantee you’ll see him in everything you do and then you’ll realize he was always there.  You were never alone and you will never be alone with God in your life. Never. He’s always there. Always.  He won’t fail you, he’ll always answer you, but you have to always remember that God’s not on your time clock, as frustrating as that it and that it's not easy being a believer.