
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

You get ideas from daydreaming.

 “You get ideas from daydreaming. You get ideas from being bored. You get ideas all the time. The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we’re doing it.”—   Neil Gaiman. “Where Do You Get Your Ideas?”

....but remember to laugh................

Years of love

“…Years of love have been forgot
In the hatred of a minute.”

—         Poe, Edgar Allan

Wal-Mart earned $27 billion in profit last year.

  “Wal-Mart earned $27 billion in profit last year. They could afford to pay their bottom million workers $10,000 more a year, raise all of those people out of poverty, cost — save taxpayers billions of dollars, and still earn $17 billion in profit, right? It’s simply nuts that we have allowed this to happen. […] You know, this ridiculous idea that a worker on Wall Street who earns tens of millions of dollars a year securitizing imaginary assets or doing high-frequency trading is worth 1,000 times as much as workers who earn tens of thousands of dollars a year educating our children, growing or serving us our food, throwing themselves into harm’s away to protect our life or property, that this difference reflects the true value or intrinsic worth of these jobs is nonsense.” —  Nick Hanauer, Venture Capitalist, on the necessity of a living wage 

Don’t be seduced into thinking

“Don’t be seduced into thinking that that which does not make a profit is without value.”  Arthur Miller
                                                                                                                   (Who was a millionaire)


“I’m an adult, but not like a real adult” 

Confused? Don’t know what to do with your life and can’t figure out the next move?

Confused? Don’t know what to do with your life and can’t figure out the next move?
Welcome to the human race. At some point, on a regular basis, most people areas lost and confused as you are and most people won’t admit it.

Don’t worry about not knowing what to do next. You’ll figure it out. Just remember life isn’t on your time schedule. Seeing clearly takes time because life is complex, involved and confusing and making things worse is the fact that you are on your own when it comes to figuring out which path to take.

Don’t be hard on yourself when you get lost on the road of life because it happens to the best of us.  Nobody on the planet has a road map or a secret book of easy answers. There are no sure fire formulas to success and happiness. What works for me probably won’t work for you.  You will, I assure you, trip and fall along the way and that’s okay. That just means you’re trying to get somewhere and that you are will to walk through the dark and unknown paths to get there. 

Don’t worry about not knowing what to do next. You’ll figure it out.

...and be happy, you'll be just fine..............

Happiness consists of achieving harmony between you and the life you lead

Happiness consists of achieving harmony between you and the life you lead. If those two things are in sync; happiness will be with you.  But remember, getting to that point, living a life that reflects your goals, wants and needs, takes time and effort and it’s something you must constantly work to keep. But don’t worry about, you’ll get there, Good things take time.

here....here's some happy bubbles for you...enjoy