Be happy

What I am working on these days to improve myself is to stop talking so much and so often about my problems, the big ones and the tiny ones. I’m not saying that I am going to stop asking about the problems I have, that’s not healthy,  but I have noticed that talking about our problems can become a sort of mental addiction. What I’m trying to do is to talk about the hundreds of joys I have in this life and surprisingly, it’s not easy to do. Whining is easier. Anyway, thinking about the joys of my life…and they ranges from TV commercials that make me laugh to a woman who loves me unquestionably….isn’t a way to get rid of the problems I have it’s just another better way to deal with them because they will always be there.  I’ll always have problem but that doesn’t matter because happiness isn’t the absence of problems, happiness is achieved by our ability to deal with our problems constructively.   Simply put, the way to happiness is happiness. There is no other way.